Tag: Security

Past Marijuana Use Shouldn’t Disqualify For Security Clearances, Trump’s Intel Director Pick Tulsi Gabbard Says, But Ongoing Use Is ‘More Complex’

President Donald Trump’s choice to serve as director of national intelligence (DNI), former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D/R-HI), says that past marijuana use should not disqualify a person from receiving a security clearance—but “ongoing” use of cannabis is a “more complex” eligibility consideration. In written responses to a variety of questions for the record (QFRs) from […]

Security Clearance Can’t Be Denied for Intelligence Agency Employees, According to Senate Committee

The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence passed the FY24 Intelligence Authorization Act in a 17-0 vote on June 14, which includes a provision that prevents discrimination or denial of jobs in government intelligence agencies. The bill was proposed by Sen. Ron Wyden, a senior member of the committee. “This bill includes historic bipartisan legislation reforming […]

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