Tag: Test

Indiana Lawmakers Amend Bill That Would Have Set Saliva THC Test Threshold For Marijuana-Impaired Driving

“I’m concerned about false positives…I just think this needs a longer, deeper look.” By Whitney Downard, Indiana Capital Chronicle Marijuana, and the tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) ranges that make somebody really feel excessive, is authorized for leisure functions in three of Indiana’s 4 neighboring states. But determining when somebody is just too excessive to drive has confirmed […]

Florida Sheriff’s Office Stops Using Cocaine Test Kit Due to Concerns of False Positive Results

The Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office has stopped using a particular brand of cocaine field testing kits after more than a decade due to an investigation by one of their detectives which revealed the kits potentially give false positive results. According to local news outlets in the area, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office issued a notice to all […]

New Zealand-Based Rugby Athlete Receives Suspension Following Positive THC Test

New Zealand rugby player, Isaia Walker-Leawere, recently tested positive for THC and has been banned from playing on any team for one month. The 26-year-old lock (a second row rugby position) plays on the Hurricanes in Super Rugby; Hawke’s Bay; as well as the international rugby team, Māori All Blacks. According to the New Zealand […]

New Jersey Officer Reinstated After Being Fired For Positive Cannabis Drug Test

A police officer in Jersey City, New Jersey was fired for testing positive for THC in a drug test. Last week, that officer was reinstated to his position with back pay. Norhan Mansour was fired well after Gov. Phil Murphy signed a bill to legalize adult-use cannabis in New Jersey in 2021 (with sales beginning […]

South Dakota Anti-Pot Lawmaker Gets Medical Weed Card to Test System

Longtime pot opponent South Dakota State Representative Fred Deutsch (R-Florence) repeatedly worked hard to narrow the state’s medical cannabis system as much as possible, and now aims to test the system after getting a card himself.  Who is this guy? Deutsch urged his fellow representatives to vote against a bill adding several qualifying conditions to […]

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