Tag: Shroom

India Carves Out Its Own Lane in the Shroom Boom

The first mushroom festival in India took place September 15-18 in the verdant and fungally diverse tropical forests of Wayanad in the southern state of Kerala. The inaugural Shroom Sabha attracted mycophiles from all corners of the subcontinent, and struck an acute balance between professionalism and playfulness that brought out the best of each quality.  […]

Shroom Shop Raided in Ontario, Canada

Another location of a psilocybin mushroom dispensary chain in Canada was raided by police, about a month after its earlier location was raided. Psilocybin advocates in Canada remain undeterred however, with no plans to back down. CTV News in London reports that on Aug. 17, St. Thomas Police Service (STPS) officers in Ontario in Canada […]

Shroom, Pot Operation Bust at Former Walmart Building Is West Tennessee’s Largest Ever

Nine law enforcement agencies joined together to take down a massive illegal drug operation after a 35-pound shipment of psilocybin edibles revealed the extent of the operation. Agents found an assortment of drugs including multiple forms of cannabis, psilocybin, steroids, and even a distiller tool to make illegal moonshine. In a press release and a Facebook […]

Montreal Shroom Shop Raided, Owner Says ‘We’re Just Getting Started’

An unlicensed psilocybin mushroom shop in Montreal, Quebec in Canada was raided during its opening day Tuesday, but the shroom shop owner says he’s nowhere near done with his business venture. CTV News Windsor reports that several police officers descended on the FunGuyz (pronounced fungi’s) shop hours after the company opened their first location in […]

Take a Trip To the Dark Side with Dark Side of the Shroom Amanita Mushroom Gummies

Derived from a high-quality Amanita muscaria extract, each bag is packed full of 2500mg of Amanita muscaria. Dark Side has been specifically formulated to be extremely potent and the most convenient Amanita muscaria product on the market today. “After numerous months of perfecting the dosage and users experience, we finally knew we had a product […]

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