Tag: Finds

CBD Could Be A Useful Addition To Sunscreen, Hair Care and Wound Healing Products, Study Finds

New analysis revealed within the journal Pharmaceuticals means that CBD might be a helpful addition to sure pores and skin merchandise given its anti-aging and antioxidant properties in addition to proof that it might velocity the therapeutic of wounds. “Overall, we suggest that CBD exhibits many potential characteristics that can be used to develop topical […]

7 In 10 Marijuana Consumers Plan To Spend More Or The Same Amount On Cannabis In 2025, Poll Finds

Nearly 7 in 10 American marijuana shoppers say they plan to spend both extra on hashish or about the identical quantity in 2025 in comparison with final yr—and 62 p.c report utilizing money amid ongoing trade limitations to monetary companies—in accordance with a brand new ballot. The survey from the monetary assets firm Bankrate, which […]

Psychedelics Produce Mental Health Improvements For Special Ops Vets, Study Finds

Researchers at the Ohio State University examined “the effectiveness of psychedelic-assisted therapy among trauma-exposed Special Operations Forces Veterans (SOFV) seeking treatment for cognitive and mental health problems in Mexico.”  They said that research “in psychedelic medicine has focused primarily on civilian populations,” and that further “study is needed to understand whether these treatments are effective […]

Research Finds Increased Heavy Metals Risk for Cannabis Users, Affirms Testing Need

A new study conducted by New York’s Columbia University researchers used a massive database from the U.S. Centers of Disease Control’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey in an effort to determine whether cannabis users had higher levels of any of 17 different metals in their blood or urine.  The study ultimately revealed that cannabis-only […]

Athletes Using Cannabis for Recovery, Survey Finds

A newly published survey from researchers at Kent State University sought to find out whether “cannabidiol (CBD) use and/or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) use … shows promise to enhance exercise recovery.” The researchers said that the study “aimed to determine if individuals are using CBD and/or THC as a means of recovery from aerobic and/or resistance exercise, […]

Colombia Breaks Coca Cultivation Record, UN Report Finds

Colombia broke a new record for cultivating the coca leaf, the plant used to make cocaine, according to a United Nations report. The process involves extracting alkaloids from the leaves using solvents like gasoline. This crude extract turns into a coca base by mixing it with alkaline solutions. Then, with a bit of further refinement, […]

Psychedelic Increases ‘Neural Plasticity’ in Mice, Study Finds

The study, published in this month’s issue of Neuropsychopharmacology, looked at the effects of 5-MeO-DMT, a psychedelic “which has been associated with improvement in depression and anxiety symptoms in early phase clinical studies,” the authors said. 5-MeO-DMT is “short for 5-methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine,” and “is a psychedelic substance found naturally in certain species of toads, plants, and […]

Cannabis Use Not Associated with Greater Risk of Heart Attack, Study Finds

Using cannabis is not associated with an increased risk of heart attack among middle-aged adults, according to data published in the American Journal of Cardiology, NORML reports. The study found that compared to non-cannabis users, those who have consumed cannabis monthly for the past year are not at a greater risk for a heart attack.  […]

Exactly 50% of America Has Tried Pot, Gallup Finds

Half the country has tried marijuana, according to newly released polling data from Gallup. The 50% who say they have tried pot at some point in their lives represents a “new high point for this behavior that has been inching up over the past quarter century,” Gallup says. “While essentially unchanged from the 49% and […]

Study Finds No Link Between Off-Hours Pot Smoking, Workplace Accidents

Who says stoners are sloppy?  A new study out of Canada found there was “no difference in workplace injury risk” between those who used cannabis outside the workplace and those who don’t use marijuana at all. The longitudinal study, conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto and published in the Canadian Journal of Public […]

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