Study: Psilocybin ‘Shows Promise’ As Treatment For Depression
A study by American Medical Association, published late last month, sought to measure the “efficacy and safety of psilocybin in patients with major depressive disorder” and to “evaluate the magnitude, timing, and durability of antidepressant effects and safety of a single dose of psilocybin in patients with [major depressive disorder].” Researchers conducted a “a randomized, […]
Ketamine Shows Promise in Treating Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
Sub-anesthetic ketamine infusions, which are already used for treatment-resistant depression (TRD), may also help people through benzodiazepine withdrawal, new research published in Neuropsychopharmacology reports. Benzodiazepines (often abbreviated as “BZDs” or better known as “benzos”) are a class of psychoactive drugs that treat anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and muscle spasms. They include Xanax, Klonopin, and Ativan. And, […]
Study: Chronic Cannabis Use Shows Promise to Prevent Brain Damage in Athletes
In recent years, conversations around cannabis as it pertains to athletes and the sports industry have amped up. Between the debates surrounding whether or not cannabis is a performance-enhancing substance and if drug testing requirements should be eased, or research showing that cannabis use can help to ease muscle recovery and assist with exercise, a […]
Study: Psychedelics Show Promise in Reopening ‘Critical Periods’ in Brain
A new study from researchers at Johns Hopkins University suggests that psychedelics could reopen “critical periods” in the brains of mammals, offering potential for the drugs as a treatment option for those suffering from a wide range of debilitating conditions. The findings, which were published this month in the journal Nature, “provide a new explanation […]