Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to Increased Risk of Heart Problems in Canadian Study
A new research report has found that individuals diagnosed with “cannabis use disorder” have a roughly 60% higher chance of experiencing certain heart problems than adults of the same age and gender without the same diagnosis. The study, published in Addiction on Wednesday, was conducted using medical data from just under 60,000 adults in Alberta, […]
Prenatal Cannabis Exposure Not Linked to Neurodevelopmental Deficits
Newly published data suggests that individuals who experienced prenatal cannabis exposure may not suffer neurodevelopmental deficits later in life. The researchers, who come from Columbia University and whose findings were published this month in Pediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, examined a cohort of 2,868 children born between the years of 1989 and 1992. “Children whose mothers […]
Study: Pot Use Linked With Lower Risk of Liver Disease
Consuming alcohol is a well-known cause of liver damage, but the opposite may hold true for smoking pot. That is the takeaway of new research published late last month in PLOS One. After examining a “nationally representative” sample of Americans, the researchers said that they found that “current marijuana use is inversely associated with steatosis,” […]