Sacramento City Council Meeting ‘Delves Into Chaos’ After Closing 11-Acre Pot Farm
A large cannabis operation with 22 buildings spanning over 11 acres must temporarily cease operations as hundreds of employees are fighting for their jobs, culminating in a chaotic Sacramento City Council meeting. Law enforcement officials ordered Natura to close on Oct. 2, a farm located on Elder Creek Road near Power Inn Road, citing fire […]
Unlicensed Cannabis Events Prompt Crackdown by City of Denver
The Denver Department of Excise & Licenses is continuing to serve warnings to event organizers who are hosting unlicensed cannabis-related activities. This past weekend on Aug. 19, the Stoner Cinema Pop-Up held an event featuring a cannabis-friendly movie experience featuring Grandma’s Boy (2006). The screening was held at Dreams Aren’t This Good, an event venue […]
Study Ranks New York City as Top Cannabis-Consuming City in the World
According to a new study, New York City consumes more cannabis out of any city in the world, at 62.3 metric tons (approximately 137,000 pounds) per year. The study, compiled as the “2023 Cannabis Global Price Index,” was conducted by health information resource CFAH, which collected data on cannabis prices from 140 cities worldwide. In […]
Kansas City Royals Partners with Pure Spectrum CBD
The Kansas City Royals officially became the second Major League Baseball (MLB) team to partner with a CBD company last week. Pure Spectrum announced its connection with the Kansas City Royals as a “trusted wellness partner” on Instagram and Facebook. “Pure Spectrum is ecstatic to announce our new partnership with the @kcroyals. We can’t wait […]